Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Reflections on Pastor Mike's Sermons

(The following are brief comments on notes I made while listening to Pastor Mike's sermons.  Please feel free to add your own responses so that we all can engage in a dialogue to better understand and apply the truth of God's word as guided by the Holy Spirit.)

April 10, 2016

Continuing in his series on Ephesians, Pastor Mike focused on two topics during Sunday's message: (1) The differences between knowledge and wisdom; and (2) The meaning of our inheritance in Christ.

Although we may have gained much knowledge through Bible reading, courses we have taken and other experiences in our Christian walk, if we never apply any of this knowledge, our faith will remain weak and we will never grow-up in Christ as Paul urges in Ephesians 1:17.  Wisdom is the application of this knowledge in the exercise of those "good works" which God has prepared for us before the foundations of the earth.  Rather than become "top-heavy" and satiated with more and more facts about our faith, we need to exercise and develop a muscular and vibrant spirituality.

The second main topic, our inheritance in Christ, was a real eye-opener for me.  Having spent several decades in various churches listening to many gifted preachers and pastors, I had never heard anyone expound on Ephesians 1:18 the way Pastor Mike did. We usually hear about the incredible riches of God's gifts made possible through the death and resurrection of Christ, but I had never been made aware that, through our death to sin in baptism, we are now able to give an inheritance to God.  When we accept Christ as our savior in baptism, we die to sin, we shed the old nature, the Adam nature, and become new creatures in Christ.  This re-birth enables us to become the executors of an estate that we can now give to Christ.  Paul turns the tables, as it were, and stresses how our new life can be a daily gift to Christ.  Rather than a passive acceptance of riches from God as our inheritance, we can now actively consecrate our life as a gift to God, His "inheritance of the saints."

April 17, 2016

Pastor Mike reviewed the first ten verses in Ephesians, Chapter 2.  He stressed that God has a plan and a purpose for each of us. His plan for us was created even before we were born!  From this perspective, our life becomes a wonderful adventure of discovery!  Once we continue to align ourselves with God's will, we can implement His plan for us with increasing regularity and accuracy.  God is not watching passively on His heavenly throne but actively involved in a continuous process of redemption, restoration and direction of every event in the universe.
Pastor mentioned the four promises that God made to Moses in Exodus, Chapter 6, verses 6 and 7:
(1) He will bring the Israelites out of bondage; (2) He will get the Egypt out of their souls, i.e., the sin and corruption; (3) He will be their God; and (4) He will restore them and lead them to the promised land.  These same promises are what God offers us!  While sin made the life of God in us go out, Jesus rekindled that life through His redemptive sacrifice on the cross.  By sending the Holy Spirit, God enables us to engage in the process of sanctification.
Pastor referred to how many try to work out their own salvation through "religious" practices of one kind or another--whether Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, etc.--not realizing that Jesus told us in no uncertain terms that He is the "way, the truth and the life." "No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)

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