Thursday, April 14, 2016

Chapter Four

Chapter Four

In Chapter Four, Chan discusses the idea of "lukewarm Christians," drawing from the passage in Revelations 3: 15-18 where Jesus describes the church of Laodicea (in modern Turkey).  He presents an inventory of eighteen characteristics that describe the behavior and attitudes of modern lukewarm Christians.  Below is that list, and I invite you to rate yourself on each criterion by choosing a number from one to ten with "one" representing very little resemblance you have to the criterion and "ten" meaning it describes you perfectly.  Then add up your scores and you can file this away and try the same thing in six months or a year and see if your number has changed!

1.  Lukewarm People attend church fairly regularly because this is what is expected of good Christians.
2.  Lukewarm People give money to charity and to the church, as long as it doesn't impinge on their standard of living.
3.  Lukewarm People tend to choose what is popular over what is right when they are in conflict.
4.  Lukewarm People don't really want to be saved from their sin; they want to be saved only from the penalty of their sin.
5.  Lukewarm People are moved by stories about people who do radical things for Christ, yet they label these people "extreme" Christians and don't think such behavior is expected of them.
6.  Lukewarm People rarely share their faith with their neighbors, coworkers or friends.  This is only for Bible thumpers.
7.  Lukewarm People gauge their morality by comparing themselves to the secular world, not necessarily to the standards Jesus gives us.
8.  Lukewarm People say they love Jesus, but He is not allowed to control their lives.
9.  Lukewarm People love God, but they do not love Him with their whole heart, soul and strength.
10.  Lukewarm People may love others but they do not attempt to love others as much as they love themselves.
11.  Lukewarm People will serve God and others, but there are definite limits to how much time, money or energy they are willing to give.
12.  Lukewarm People think about life on earth much more than eternity in heaven.  (They try to avoid being "so heavenly minded, that they are no earthly good.")
13.  Lukewarm People are thankful for their luxuries and comforts, but rarely consider trying to share as much as possible with the less fortunate.
14.  Lukewarm People do whatever is necessary to keep from feeling too guilty.  They try to be just "good enough" to get by and impress others.
15.  Lukewarm People are continually concerned with playing it safe; they are slaves to the god of security and control.
16.  Lukewarm People feel secure because they do everything expected of "good Christians" but little more: they go to church, read the Bible, associate with other Christians, vote Republican, don't swear, don't drink.
17.  Lukewarm People do not live by faith; their lives are so structured they never have to.  They are self-made, hard-working Americans.

18.  Lukewarm People try to blend in with the secular world and try to appear as "normal" as possible.

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